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WHAT IS A DISCOVERY CALL?A discovery call is a 15-minute phone or video call where we discuss the logistics of working together, talk through any questions you may have, and see if we would be a good fit. During this call we typically schedule the intake session if proceeding working together.
WHAT IS AN INTAKE SESSION?The intake session is the first session we will have together where we will learn a bit about each other, discuss logistical details of our sessions, and explore what you are looking for in therapy. My intake sessions are 50-minutes in length and there is an additional $20 cost for the initial session.
DO YOU ACCEPT INSURANCE?At this time I only accept Medicare, although I am beginning the paneling process with most major insurance companies and Medicaid. I can send itemized statements if you wish to submit to your insurance for reimbursement.
WHAT FORMS OF PAYMENT DO YOU TAKE?I accept HSA, check, cash, or card.
DO YOU ACCEPT SLIDING SCALE?I offer income-based sliding scale rates on a very limited basis. If my reduced rate spots are full, I am happy to add you to the waitlist for a reduced fee spot.
WHAT AGE GROUPS DO YOU WORK WITH?I see people 12 years and older. When working with anyone under the age of 18, I will meet with the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) for part of the initial session and will schedule periodic check-ins in collaboration with the minor.
DO YOU SEE COUPLES OR FAMILIES?I do not see couples or families, only individuals.
WHAT IS YOUR CANCELLATION POLICY?I ask that clients reschedule or cancel their appointments 24 hours prior to the schedule appointment to avoid late-cancellation or no-show fee (the full rate of the session). This is to be done via the portal, or if needed via email or phone call. No-show fees are the full rate and I discontinue scheduling after three no-shows.

National Suicide Prevention Hotline
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Teen Suicide Hotline
1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
Trans Lifeline
LGBTQ+ Youth Lifeline chat
via, text START to 678-678, or call 1-866-488-7386
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